Plan1 医療福祉機器研究会の開催
Host a seminar on medical and healthcare devices
We will continue communicating with medical institutions and industries in order to create safe, high quality and cost-saving medical devices.
- 受注開発及び製造にあたっての留意点や医療機器の最新トレンドなどの発信により、会員の技術開発を促進しています。
We encourage our members' technological progress by offering information on key points for commissioned development and production as well as information on the latest trends regarding medical devices. - 医療機器メーカーとものづくり企業との交流を積極的に行っています。
We facilitate cross-industrial association between medical device manufacturers and companies outside the medical industry.
Plan2 ビジネスマッチングの実施
Business matching services
We offer business matching services for small- and medium-sized enterprises in Fukushima, medical device manufacturers and research institutes across Japan, including universities.
Two project managers from the prefectural government help companies across Fukushima seek business opportunities in the medical and healthcare device industries by introducing development plans for medical device manufacturers, including prototype production, OEM production, and material supply, as well as prototype production plans from university researchers. They also offer support to the companies in raising research funds from third parties.
Research institutes: Fukushima Medical University, Nihon University College of Engineering, Fukushima University, The University of Aizu
Plan3 大学技術シーズを活用した医療機器研究開発の促進
Promote research and development of medical devices by nurturing technology seeds from universities
~Private-sector-led businessTeam's cooperative support~
We help develop and commercialize cutting-edge diagnostic and therapeutic devices by integrating optical technology, miniaturization technology and information processing technology into haptic technology innovations from Nihon University College of Engineering.
メインテーマ Main Subject
[Development of advanced and user-friendly medical devices with good safety profiles through haptic-optical technology, to establish a world-leading hub for the design and production of medical devices]
[Regional Innovation Cluster program (global) 2010-2012, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology]
Research institutes: Fukushima Medical University, Nihon University College of Engineering, Fukushima University, The University of Aizu
Plan4 医工連携人材育成セミナーの実施
Seminars on human resource development through medical-engineering collaboration
Our seminars deliver the latest knowledge for R&D of medical devices, and facilitate collaboration among entrepreneurs, manufacturers, and universities.
H22プログラムの一例 Examples of the 2010 program
- 医療機器の保守管理、手術室/臨床工学センターと医療機器、診断用医療機器の実際(循環器/呼吸器用機器)、県内企業の開発事例
Maintenance management of medical devices, surgical suites, clinical engineering centers and medical devices, diagnostic devices in practice (circulatory and respiratory diagnostic devices), medical devices developed by companies in Fukushima - 医療機器の操作実習
Hands-on seminar on operation - 分解実習
composition of medical devices
Plan5 中小企業に薬事法許認可支援
Support small -and medium -sized enterprises to achieve approval and licensing under the Pharmaceutical Affairs Act
- 異業種から医療機器製造業への新規参入を強力に後押ししています(無料でサポート)。
We offer strong support at no cost for companies to enter the medical device manufacturing industry. We also encourage small- and medium-sized enterprises specialized in material supply to establish quality assurance systems compliant with QMS.
We host seminars on the Pharmaceutical Affairs Act and provide companies with individual consultation. - 薬事法セミナー、企業個別コンサルテーションの実施
Seminar on Pharmaceutical Affairs Act, offer independent consultation for companies.
Plan6 中小企業への販路拡大支援
Support small- and medium- sized enterprises to seek business opportunities
We promote the technological prowess of companies nationwide, as well as introduce them to potential business partners
- 医療機器設計製造展示会&技術セミナー「メディカルクリエーションふくしま」の開催
"Medical Creation Fukushima," an exhibition and technical seminar on design and production of medical devices. - メディカルショージャパン&ビジネスエキスポへの「ふくしまパビリオン出展」
Welcoming visitors to the Fukushima Pavilion at Medical Show Japan and Business Expo. - 海外展示会への出展(独メディカ、米国MD&M)MD&M=Medical Design & Manufacturingの略
Increasing international recognition by staffing a booth at Medica in Germany and MD&M in the US.